
Chuck Sayne, United States Navy -
National Defense Service Medal
Bio available
Honor Guard
Chaplain and Honor
Guard Bugler
Chief Petty Officer,
Randy Tipton, United
States Navy Retired- National Defense Service Medal.
No Bio available
1 yr (Feb 2023) Honor Guard Board Member/
Flag Folding Trainer
Petty Officer Robert J Bridges, United States Marine Corps and
United States
Navy Reserve,
Retired, - National
Defense Service Medal, Bob served in the United States Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan and Camp Pendleton, California from
March 1960
- March 1964. Bob then enlisted in the Naval Reserve
at Southfield, Michigan in May of 1979 and moved to Knoxville, Tennessee in
1980. He
served at the Navy, Marine Corps Center in Knoxville, Tennessee until
his retirement in February, 1996.
Officer First
Class Herb Kraehmer,
United States Navy, Retired,
Lieutenant Herb Kraehmer, United
States Navy (Chaplain) -
is a Vietnam War and
Storm War Era
Veteran. He
served with the United States Naval Security Activity in Pensacola, Florida,
Winter Harbor, Maine and San Vito, Italy. Herb then reenlisted in
the Naval Reserve and served with NSGA, Knoxville, Tennessee from 1976 to
retirement in 1994. Herb is also a member of the American Legion
Post 202 Honor Guard, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
3 yr (Feb 2025) Honor Guard Secretary,
Honor Guard Chaplain and Veterans Family Folder Coordinator
Officer First Class, Mike Church, United States Navy - Mike
the Navy in December 1965.
After completing 6 months at the Great Lakes training facility for boot camp
and Machinist Mate "A" school, served 3 1/2
aboard the USS Springfield Guided Missile Light Cruiser, Flagship for the 6th
Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea and later Flagship for the 2nd Fleet in
North Atlantic Ocean. While working in the forward engine room he obtained the
rank of Petty Officer 2nd Class (E5) before being discharged in
1969. Mike is currently serving as Commander of AMVETS Post
104 and State Finance Officer for AMVETS Department
of Tennessee.
1 yr ( Feb 2023) Honor Guard Board Member
Officer First Class,
Kelly E Rabb, United States Navy -
National Defense Service Medal,
Golden Dragon Certificate for Crossing the International Date Line (2 Times),
Kelly is a
Cold War
Veteran. He
volunteered to join the Navy in January, 1957.
Kelly attended the
Recruit Training Command, U.S.
Training Center, San
Disgo, California
U.S. Naval Guided Missiles School, Dam Neck, Virginia, and U.S. Naval Guided
Missile Group One, Continental United
States Detachment Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, California.
Assigned to the
U.S.S Toledo CA-133, Baltimore Class Heavy Cruiser, Long
Beach, California. She carried
the Regulus I Missile as well her normal armament. Released from Active Duty January 1960, transferred to Navy Reserve
(in-active), Honorable Discharge January, 1963
2 yr (Feb 2023) Honor Guard Board Member
Officer First Class, Roger Apel,
United States Navy National
Defense Service Medal, Vietnam War Service Medal and Golden Dragon Certificate
for Crossing the International Date
Center reported to San Diego
for Class "A" Shipfitters School.
Upon graduating Shipfitters
School, Roger was assigned overseas duty aboard the Repair
Tender USS Hector AR-7
he would spend the next 3 years serving the 7th Fleet in the Western
Pacific, during his duty aboard the Hector he would
make Shipfitter Petty Officer
3rd class. Roger was part of President
Nixon's Vietnam force reduction cutbacks and was Honorably Discharged October 6,
Flag Folding Trainer

Brigadier General James (Jim) Mungenast, United States Air Force,
called Jim. Distinguished Graduate,
University of Alabama AFROTC, 1973. Retired December 2007, as Mobilization
Assistant to the Director, Defense
Intelligence Agency, Wash DC.
Active duty 1973-1975, as Personnel Officer at 317 Tactical Airlift Wing, Pope
AFB NC. Began reserve career with Air
Force Intelligence Reserve
Program serving with Intelligence Reserve Detachments at Ft. Belvoir, VA;
Maxwell AFB, AL; McGhee Tyson ANGB, TN.
In 1995 promoted to Colonel and
began the first AF Intelligence Reserve Program at DIA's Missile and Space
Intelligence Center (Air Intelligence Agency);
shortly after 9/11, reassigned as Assistant
Intelligence Director, United States European Command, responsible for about 600
Reservists assigned
during Operations Enduring
Freedom (OEF) and Iraqi Freedom (OIF). Promoted to Brig Gen in 2002, and
recalled to active duty during OIF, later serving for
two months as intelligence Director,
EUCOM during the absence of the Director. Selected as Mobilization
Assistant to Defense Intelligence Agency Director
May 2005, where he remained until
retirement. Responsible for oversight of about 1200 all-service
intelligence professionals, many of whom deployed.
Decorations include Defense
Superior Service Medal (w/ OLC), Legion of Merit, Defense Meritorious Service
Medal. Current President, Air Force
Association (AFA) Holloway Chapter
(367); Member, Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve
(ESGR);and Member, Board of Trustees,
East Tennessee Military Affairs Council (ETMAC). He is also a board member of the
Air Force Sergeants Association,
McGee-Tyson Air
National Guard
Knoxville, Tennessee.

Colonel Steve Holbert,
United States Air Force, Retired -National
Defense Service Medal, Command Pilot Wings, Distinguished
Meritorious Service Medal w 1 OLC, Air Medal w/4 OLC
Clusters, AF Commendation Medal, Vietnam Service Medal w/8 Battle Stars, South
West Asia
Service Medal w 1 device, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross
w/Palm, Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal, & Kuwait Liberation Medal.
joined the
USAF in Oct 66. He was Commissioned a 2LT from OTS at Lackland AFB, TX in Jan 67
and was assigned to Craig AFB, AL from Jan 67 Jan 68, UPT,
(Pilot Training). Hurlbert Field, (Eglin AFB, FL), C-123 Transition Training
from Jan 68 - May 68. During the Vietnam War he was assigned to Phan Rang
AB, RVN, C-123B & C-123K
Aircraft Commander, 310th ACS,315th Military Airlift Wing, Altus AFB, OK,
C-141A, from May 68 - Aug 68.
Norton AFB, CA, C-141 Pilot, Aircraft Commander,
Instructor Pilot, 14 MAS, from Aug 68 -Aug 72. Altus AFB, OK, C-141 A
Instructor Pilot, 57MAS,
443 MAW, from Aug 72 - Aug 73 and was assigned to the 701st AFRES **
Charleston AFB, SC, (see below)**.Left active duty in Aug 73 & was assigned to
Charleston AFB, SC to the 701 MAS. C-141A & C-141 B Aircraft Commander &
Instructor Pilot from Sep 73 - Jun 90. In 1983, he participated in Operation
Urgent Fury - in Grenada. He was Commander of the 701 MAS from Jan 89 - Jun 90.
In 1989, he participated in Operation Just Cause - in Panama.
He attended Maxwell AFB, AL, Air War College from Aug 90 - Jun 91. Charleston
AFB, SC, 707 MAS & 315 MAW 14th Air Force, AFRES from Jun 91 -
Dec 91. In Sep 91, he participated in Operation Desert Storm, during the Gulf
War. He retired from the Military in Dec 91.In Aug 73, when he left Active
Duty at Altus AFB, OK, in addition to transferring into AFRES, he became a pilot
for Eastern Airlines. Following the failure of Eastern Air Line in 1989, he
continued commercial flying with KIWI (pronounced keeee-weeee) International
Air Lines, & then Air Tran Air Ways; He retired from Commercial
in 2002. He is a member of Sons of
Confederate Veterans, Camp 87,
Longstreet- Zollocoffer, Knoxville,
Steve belongs to the American Legion
Post 202 Honor Guard, Gatlinburg, Tennessee and is also a member of VFW Post
10025, Seymour,
Major David Caldwell, United
States Air Force,
Retired - National Defense Service Medal, Meritorious Service Medal
Air Force
Commendation Medal - Vietnam War Era Veteran - Commissioned 2nd LT Nov 1962, ACFT
Maintenance. Class Chanute AFB, ILL Nov 62 - Jun 63. ACFT
Officer Patrick AFB, FL, Jul 63 - May 66. HQ TUSLOG, Ankara, Turkey
Jun 66 - May 68. Squadron Commander 549th Field Maints. Squadron,
Patrick AFB, FL, Jun 68 - May 71. ACFT
Maints. Officer Edwards AFB, CA, Jun 71 - May 74.
Discharged May 74 as Captain. Reenlisted USAF Aug 74 as
SSG at Dover AFB DL as
Scheduler for all flying and Maints scheduling for the 36 Plane C-5 Fleet. Sep
74 - Jun 77, assigned to Shahrokie AFB, Iran
as advisor to Iranian Air
Force in ACFT Maints. Jul 77 - May 78 assigned to Dover AFB, DL as
Scheduler Jun 78 -
Apr 81, assigned to Arnold AFB,
Tullahoma TN, Test Control Center Supervisor
from May 81 - Nov 85 as a Master Sergeant. Retired as Captain with 23 years
active service in the USAF.
3 yr, (Oct 2025)
Honor Guard President, Military Funeral Honors Coordinator, and
Honor Guard Chaplain

Chief Master Sergeant
Gary T. Woolf,
United States
Air Force, Retired
Defense Service Medal Meritorious Service Medal w/ 1 OLC Cluster and Air Force Commendation Medal w/1, OLC,
Medal, Vietnam Service
Battle Stars, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross
w/Palm and Republic of Vietnam Campaign
Vietnam War Veteran
- Gary joined the United States Air
Force in June of 1960 and was trained as a USAF
Communications Equipment and
Technician. He was assigned to the 20th Communications Squadron (AACS) which
changed to the 2135th Communications Squadron (AFCS), \
Ramstein AB,
Germany, 2102nd Communications
Squadron (AFCS), Clinton-Sherman AFB, Oklahoma, 1876
Communications Squadron
(AFCS), Tan Son
Airfield/Cholon, Vietnam, 46th
Communications squadron (SAC), Barksdale AFB , Louisiana, 3760th Instructor
Squadron (ATC), Sheppard AFB,
Texas, (Master Instructor),
2166 Communications Squadron (AFCS),
Royal Air Force
Alconbury, England, and retired at 3391 School Squadron (ATC),
Keesler AFB (Master Instructor Supervisor), Mississippi. Gary is also
a retired Major that served as the RS-4 Officer, 3rd Alvin C York Regiment,
Tennessee State Guard. Gary is also a life member of the Manhattan Project,
VFW Post 12051 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. He is a member of the Sons'
of the American Revolution,
(Steven Holston Chapter) Knoxville, Tennessee,
Sons' of Union Veterans,
Colonel Rob Byrd,
Camp 8, Department of
Tennessee, Athens,
He is also a member of the Air Force Sergeants Association,
McGee-Tyson Air National Guard Base and the American
Veterans (AMVETS)
Post 2, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1078,
Knoxville, Tennessee and the Air Force Communications
and Air Traffic
Control Association. Which has been reorganized as the new United States Space
Honor Guard Web Master,
Guard Roster and Coordinator of Military Funeral Honors
Technical Sergeant Carl McCarter,
United States Air Force -
National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal w/1 Battle Star -
Carl is a Vietnam War Veteran
and is a
member of the
Post 202 Honor Guard, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Staff Sergeant Gary Post, United
States Air Force -
National Defense Service Medal,
No Bio available
Honor Guard Bugler
Staff Sergeant
Michelle Eberie, United States
Air Force - National
Defense Service Medal.
No Bio available

Commander, Fred Adomat, United States
Coast Guard- National Defense Service Medal,
Fred is Vice Commander of District 8E,
Flotilla 1201, 1202, 1203, Group Ohio Valley
Volunteer State Veterans
Honor Guard Treasurer
Lori Colwick -
Volunteer State War Era Veterans Honor Guard Treasurer
Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard
Escorting Veterans Ashes to the Mausoleum

Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard

Honorary Members of the Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard
(Mule) Sutton
Sergeant John Willis, United States Air Force Retired,
entered the United States Air Force
in January, 1965. He attended basic training at Lackland Air
Force, San Antonio, Texas and attend Electronics and Air-
Missile Technical School in Denver, Colorado. First overseas
assignment was to Libya, North Africa. He also had temporary
duty assignments in Asia.
John was stationed
at many United States AFB Virginia, and a Electronics Instructor, Goldsboro,
North Carolina. He was also stationed in the Philippines.
John retired
in 1987 after 22 years of service in the Air Force at Whiteman Air Force Base,
Missouri. He became a Gunsmith in the early 1970's after being
taught by his
father who was also a Master Gunsmith. (go to
Honor Guard Sponsors and Supporters
Button for his website).
Honor Guard
Master Gunsmith
James Rogers - Singer,
Songwriter, and

James is a veteran of the US Army and the Tennessee Army National Guard.
James has performed in large show rooms and in concerts with some of the biggest
names in show business, including Alabama, Suzy Bogguss,
Clark, Steve Martin, Ricky Skaggs and superstar Dolly Parton. Voted BEST
ENTERTAINER" 1997 and 1998
James Rogers song
adopted in 1997
by the Enlisted Men's and Women's Association
of the
National Guard
as their official theme song.
In 2002, James wrote
a special song for the
Fraternal Order Of
Eagles. As
a result, he wrote "Where Eagles Fly"
which has been
adopted as their theme song on August 7th, 2003.
also is an honorary board member of the American Eagle Foundation.
presently is a featured entertainer at Dollywood during the operating season and
tours the country performing special
concerts during the off season James is known to always recognized and honor our
veterans and the
United States Armed Forces in all of his performances.

Rogers Presentation at Dollywood October 24, 2009
From left to right
Bridges - U.S. Navy Amelia Sweeney - U.S. Navy Fred Adomate
- U.S. Coast
Guard Gary Laymance - U.S. Army
Heun - U.S. Army Floyd Cleaveland - U.S. Merchant Marine Mike Inman
- U.S.
Army James Rogers,
John Bell - U.S. Marine Corps
Pam Burdette - U.S. Air Force Bob LeTellier -U.S. Army

From Left
to Right-Sergeant First Class Dan Morris, Sergeant First Class James Humbard,
Sergeant Carl McCarter, Major David Caldwell, Captain Ed Layman, Major Mike
and Major
Gary Woolf
Service Prayers
I saw a soldier kneeling down,
for this was the first quiet place he had found. He traveled through jungles,
rivers, and mud. His hands were scarred and
toil-worn. He had
fought for days from night till morning. He
folded his hands and looked to the sky, I
saw his tears, as they welled in his eyes. He
spoke to God, and this is what he said:
God bless my men, who now lie
dead, I know not what You have in mind, but when You judge, please be kind when
they come before You, they will be
poorly dressed, but will walk
proudly, for they have done their best. Their boots will be muddy and their
clothes all torn but these clothes they have so
proudly worn. Their hearts
will be still and cold inside, for they have fought their best and did so with
pride. So please take care of them as they pass
Your way the price of freedom they've already paid.
Oh God, our sea is so great
and our boat is so small. Fill our sails with the winds of Your spirit. May we
trust Your steady hand on the helm of our lives.
Keep our eyes each alternating
between the compass of Your word and the distant horizons. At the end of our
journey, may we cast our anchor in the
quiet harbor of Your love. In the
precious name of Christ Jesus, our
Savior, I pray.
Almighty Father, whose command
is over all. And whose love never fails, make me aware of Thy presence and
obedient to Thy will. Keep me true to
my best self, guarding me
against dishonesty in purpose in deed and helping me to live so that I can face
my fellow Marines, my loved ones and Thee
without shame or fear. Protect
my family. Give me the will to do the work of a Marine and to accept my share of
responsibilities with vigor and enthusiasm.
Grant me the courage to be
proficient in my daily performance. Keep me loyal and faithful to my superiors
and to the duties of my country and the Marine
Corps have entrusted to me.
Make me considerate of those committed to my leadership. Help me to wear my
uniform with dignity, and let it remind me daily
of the traditions which I must
uphold. If I am inclined to doubt, steady my faith; if I am tempted, make me
strong to resist; if I should miss the mark, give
me courage to try again. Guide me with
the light of truth and grant me wisdom by which I may understand the answer to my
Dear God, maker of heavens
above earth and sea below hear our prayer for the men and women of the United
States Air Force as they answer their country's
call to serve, defend, and
protect all we hold dear. Accept their sacrifices of time, energy, effort,
blood, life. In times of peace and in times of strife be with
them and their families, loved ones
who they want to be with but must leave our nation to serve and defend. Give
them hope, peace, joy without end, and bless
America with Your Grace and
Almighty and Everlasting God,
Whose hand stills the tumult of the deep, we offer our prayers for those who
serve in our Coast Guard. We are mindful of
their traditions of selfless
service to the seafarers who make their ways to appointed ports. Employ their
devotions of good ends as they track the weather
and search for the seas for
those in extremity of the storm, shipwreck or battle. Make their soundings and
markings sure that safe passages may be found
by those who go down to the
sea in ships. Encourage them, O Lord, as they stand guard over our coasts and
the bulwarks of our freedoms. Graciously deliver
them from threatening
calamities in all their perilous voyages. Bless the keepers of the lights and be
Thou their close friend in lonely watches. Keep the
beacons of honor and duty burning that
they may reach the home port with duty well performed, in service to
Thee and our land.
Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard Members Escorting Casket

Future Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard Members
Elementary School, Harriman, Tennessee |
Walnut Elementary
School South Harriman, Tennessee |

Bowers Elementary School Color Guard, Harriman, Tennessee

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