Volunteer State War Era Veterans Honor Guard

Knoxville, Tennessee



American Hero Dying For Freedom

Isn't The Worst That Can Happen

Being Forgotten is! ...

"A Nation Reveals Itself Not Only By

The Men It Produces, But Also By The

Men It Honors. "

John F. Kennedy, President


Donations to Honor Guard


Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard

We are in need of your support. As a completely non-profit organization, the Honor Guard must seek support outside of itself if we are to continue this vital service

 to our Veterans. By donating money to the Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard you can be assured that your monetary contribution will be used in the spirit

it is given. Gasoline for transportation to and from the internment sites, upkeep on the Honor Guard vans, maintaining weapons, uniforms and office expenses, are all

examples of where your dollar will go.  The Volunteer State Veterans Honor Guard operates from public support and private donations.  We are chartered under the

jurisdiction and laws of the State of Tennessee.  Chartered August 7, 1987.  We are State and Federal  Tax Exempt. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

 Your contribution is Tax Deductible.


Operation Honor Guard | WATE 6 On Your Side

Takes a couple of minutes to load

They served. They still serve today.

When our military puts on their uniform, they commit to a life of service, dedication and sacrifice, all in defense of something bigger than themselves.

As citizens of the nation they so nobly defend, it is our privilege and responsibility to stand behind them, ready and willing to provide them any support

necessary. This doesn’t end when these soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines take their last breath. Nearly every day of the year, you can find a group of volunteers

standing guard and performing military rites at veteran’s funerals in East Tennessee. This group of volunteers is known as the Honor Guard.

The Honor Guard serves our nation’s veteran’s on any day, at any time, in any weather condition without any compensation. The American Legion Posts

 that support these Honor Guards have a number of costs associated with their service including the cost of flags, uniforms, transportation, guns and ammunition.

On average, there are seven to eight Honor Guard members at each military funeral. It takes over $800 to completely outfit each honor guard member.

Help WATE 6 On Your Side fund honor guards throughout Eastern Tennessee.


Send Donations to:

Volunteer State

War Era Veterans

 Honor Guard

P.O. Box 22122

Knoxville, Tennessee 37933


 Phone: (865) 659-4811







Thank You For Your Donation





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